Rimowa Product API

Gain comprehensive, real-time product data from Rimowa Product API for optimal retail insights.
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April 8, 2024
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x-api-key required


This parameter defines the Retailed private key to use for authentification.




Use the Rimowa product ID as 'product\_id' string to request data from API.

Sign up now and enjoy 50 free API requests + full access to our premium features and in-house proxy pool.
Request access to this private endpoint and unlock 50 free API requests, along with unrestricted use of our public API endpoints and in-house proxy pool.

Enjoy unparalleled access to comprehensive and accurate product data from Rimowa's official site with our Rimowa Product API. Get real-time updates of diverse information including product id, description, color, material, brand, size, price, availability, images, ratings, and more. Leverage these insights to gain an edge in the competitive e-commerce landscape, tailored to your unique needs.

Spotlight Applications of Rimowa Product API

  • Competitive Pricing Analysis: Compare your product prices with Rimowa's offerings to create an efficient pricing strategy.
  • Inventory management: Get real-time updates on product availability for accurate inventory management.
  • Updated product descriptions: Fetch updated product descriptions for your database or marketplace.
  • Market Trend Analysis: Analyze customer reviews and ratings to gain insights into market trends.
  • Customer Sentiment Analysis: Gauge the pulse of customers through their reviews and ratings on Rimowa products.
  • Product Recommendation: Use product tags to recommend similar products to customers.
  • Brand Monitoring: Keep a tab on Rimowa's product offerings and new releases.
  • Dropshipping: Automate the listing of Rimowa products on your e-commerce platform.
  • Shipping Options Analysis: Get up-to-date information on available shipping methods for each product.
  • Image Recognition: Use product image links for image recognition algorithms for categorizing and tagging products.

Power Your Retail Operations with Rimowa Product API

  1. Get comprehensive information on Rimowa's products including price, color, material, size, and descriptions.
  2. Real-time data that ensures you are working with the most up-to-date information.
  3. Gain access to customer reviews and ratings for advanced market analysis.
  4. Multiple data formats (CSV, JSON) that provide flexible data delivery options.
  5. Clean and parsed data endpoints which save you the tedious task of data processing.
  6. Our API is scalable and can handle high volume requests without performance dips.
  7. High-speed responses to ensure your operations run smoothly.
  8. Easy to use API with extensive documentation for a seamless integration experience.
  9. Get access to product images for enhanced user experience.
  10. Our robust and reliable infrastructure ensures you have uninterrupted access to our API services.

Retailed gives you access to not just data, but the potential to grow your e-commerce and retail businesses through smart and informed decisions. Sign up now for a Retailed API free trial and get 50 free requests. Unleash the power of clean, fresh, and parsed data to maximize your e-commerce success!

Example Request
curl --location --request GET 'https://app.retailed.io/api/v1/scraper/rimowa/product?product_id=example' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'x-api-key: <token>'
    "id": "83273004",
    "sku": "1000474476",
    "name": "RIMOWA Original Cabin",
    "slug": "rimowa-original-cabin",
    "description": "The unmistakable RIMOWA Original is regarded as one of the most iconic luggage designs of all time. Remarkably robust and surprisingly lightweight, this timeless classic is an unparalleled example of craftsmanship and innovation. Made in Germany from high-end anodized aluminum, the RIMOWA Original Cabin in silver is engineered with longevity in mind.",
    "color": "Silver",
    "material": "Anodized Aluminum",
    "brand": "RIMOWA",
    "category": "Cabin Luggage",
    "size": {
        "type": "Cabin",
        "unit": "in",
        "range": [
    "price": {
        "current": 1080,
        "original": 1080,
        "currency": "USD"
    "availability": "In Stock",
    "releaseDate": "",
    "images": [
            "url": "https://www.rimowa.com/dw/image/v2/BBVN_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-rimowa-master-catalog/default/dw70a870b2/produkte/83273/83273004/83273004_4.png",
            "alt": "RIMOWA Original Cabin in Silver"
    "ratings": {
        "average": 4.5,
        "count": 202
    "reviews": [
            "title": "Just what I needed!",
            "content": "I travel a lot for work and this luggage has been a lifesaver. It's super durable and easy to move around.",
            "rating": 5
            "title": "Overpriced",
            "content": "Don't get me wrong, it's a good product but I can't understand why it's so expensive especially when there're other good alternatives at lower price points.",
            "rating": 3
    "shipping": {
        "available": true,
        "methods": [
    "tags": [
        "cabin luggage",
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